I recently was charged with designing a new template for a
document that goes to a particular entity who declared that ours are “hard to
read” and “boring” and “too technical”. They wished we would use one picture
more often than the thousand words.
Yes, these are boring documents.
Yes, they are technical.
I’ve been working within previously delineated parameters
since I arrived, but now I could break FREE!
*[insert sound of knuckles cracking]*
I turned it landscape. I imported a generic image to fade as
the background of some of the pages. I …had to include staffing… hmm…
Have you ever done something like, oh, say...Grant writing?
Similar deal. Pages and pages of writing the stuff they NEED to know, to know
that you can do what you say you will do. They want to see who is in charge and
why they can be trusted.
WELL… Every time I tried to search for generic images
pertinent to the job, Google asked if I was searching for a particular movie
star with a similar name. SO I used his image as the image for the head guy on
this project. What the hey, it’s just a template!
One of our other guys has a popular name, so I searched by
name, and came up with another movie star! This was getting very cute!
The other names didn’t have movie stars leaping at me, so I
just pulled up a headshot of a Stormtrooper from Star Wars. HAHA! I laughed out
loud so hard over that.
I had also incorporated images of famous places/things to
show our “experience”, so it was a totally fictitious template, but showed
where images would work or not. Like saying “Our guy is so awesome, he
singlehandedly designed Stone Henge!”
I love it. It’s awesome. It's creative. It was fun. I couldn’t wait to demonstrate it
to my superiors. That happened Thursday.
Such a focused bunch.
Did they not recognize the movie stars? Surely they recognized a
stormtrooper! No questions. Just about how that page would be used in an actual
document, where this element would go, etc.
Sometimes it’s so lonely being me. Nobody inside the business
finds it funny, because they’re all so straight-laced. Nobody outside would get
its brilliance.
Still – at least I am appreciated for my “unique skill set”
– honest-to-God Quote.
I really do love my work. I can't wait to find a creative outlet and make friends who will laugh with me at this stuff. Maybe one of my sisters...