14 December, 2017

Ghosts of Christmas Past

Facebook keeps reminding of what I was doing this time in past years - prepping and baking fruitcakes, shoveling out my car, gift-wrapping, setting up nativities, writing letters - these are my ghosts of Christmas Past, but also, of Christmas Future.

We haven't had an oven since moving here, which means no baking for last Christmas or this Christmas, but if we're still here next year, we will be in a better apartment, and I *will* have an oven! And maybe some surface space that isn't in active use, where I can place my one nativity that I brought back from storage in August. And maybe I'll find actual Christmas cards, now that we've figured out the postal system. Here's to Christmas Future!

Last year I saw Christmas decorations for sale in a couple places, so I thought I'd put a string of lights in our enclosed balcony, but when I shopped for them, they weren't around yet, and I haven't been back, so it's a no go. Just as well, because we have a lead on a good apartment that we might be moving into early in the new year - who wants to take down decorations in addition to a move?! But next year I'll do some lights.

Today I am home with a fever. I don't know why. I got excessively cold two days ago, and my body hasn't figured out how to regulate my temperature since then. Whatever. It'll sort itself out.

Before I opened my computer to start work this morning, I reached out to my sister with a message, and to my best friend back home, just saying hi and wishing well. I guess it's a kind of Christmas spirit homesickness. I'm not sad, but just needed the contact. Weird, huh.

My ghosts are messing with me. 

{I wanted to drop some pictures in here, but trying to find the right past Christmas pics is tiring. I need a rest!}


  1. I hope you feel better soon. A better apartment sounds great. An oven, meh. Sometimes I like to cook. Most of the time I like to eat out. lol

    1. I'm not a big cook, but I bake. We are becoming eat-out people, except with delivery. EVERY restaurant delivers here, so we can have tasty fast or elegant meals sent right to our apartment! I love that.

  2. I don't know if the new apartment is going to work out for us, but having an actual functioning kitchen is very exciting to me.

    1. I hope we get to look at the other one, too. Smaller, but I'd like to see the kitchen there, too.

  3. Crossing my fingers for the new apartment. Sounds like a great way to start the new year!! Hope your Christmas was a good one!

    1. The mom of a little girl I tutor has been looking on our behalf. People are so kind here! We hope to go look at apartments early in January.


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