05 May, 2018

A New Month - New Plan

I was all set to write some sort of "A to Z reflections" post, but apparently, there's a right and wrong way to do it, and the post on how to do it won't be up until the 7th. For some reason. So I will wait until I have a clue what I'm doing and then post it.

Meanwhile, I added a page to my blog ^^ to explain my blog's name. I also need to update my other page, I'll let you know when that's done. 

My new goal is to write two posts a week, once during the week and once on the weekend. There will probably not be a theme to them, but there may be a lot of venting during May, as we are moving this month (I'm not saying where until it's done, so don't ask) and my husband is away on the weekends judging English competitions!

I can't really complain though. My work is rather random right now, so I am home a lot and have the time to take care of things. I just need to do it.

Keeping it short today, I'll be back soon!

For any new followers, is there anything you want to know without sifting through back posts? Ask below.


  1. I don't think there's really a wrong or right way to do an A to Z reflections post. Just like the A to Z itself, everyone does it the way that works for them. (I'm writing mine today.)

    1. When the 7th rolled around and I went back to A to Z, that's what I figured out. Something they said made me think I should wait to get some "how to's". I don't know what I was thinking.

  2. I'm sure we will have plenty to vent about in the next month.

    1. Hey, I have 3 suitcases packed already! I'm on top of it! So are you.


I enjoy a good debate. Feel free to shake things up. Tell me I'm wrong. Ask me why I have such a weird opinion. ...or, just laugh and tell how this relates to you and your life.