18 March, 2019

How Bad Can It Get?

Ha! Did I say April will be busy?
As soon as I published that post, they began work on the house next door. 
By work, I mean tearing down the house and building new.
By next door, I mean we share a wall.
Our house and their pile of rubble.

Apparently, when building, two columns of bricks go up - one for each house - but then they are encased in mutual cement. Or something.

The house is down now, but while they were pulling their wall away from ours it was loud. Like, earthquake shaking, jackhammering loud.

The day they started with the actual deconstruction (there were a couple days of prep-work), I had swept and mopped all three floors of our house that morning. Big mistake. So much dust floating around in the air that I don't think there's a point to mopping again until the new house is built!

(Not true. I'm pretty anal about my floors. I'll probably mop again next week.)
The living room. Later that day, after sweeping AGAIN!
Our stairs. After their house came down.

Dusty floors bother me but, we had a choice. They gave us advance warning and we opted to stay through the construction. I love our house and am not ready to move so soon. Dust isn't the end of the world.

I think the worst of the deconstruction noise and dust are over for now. We were forewarned the project will take 5 months. It's actually quite interesting to watch the process up close and personal. A little noise and dust is a minor inconvenience.

Would you stay, given the option? A lot of expats complain so much about construction, I wonder why they came to a developing country in the first place. Are we so strange to stick it out?


  1. Because I'm ornery and don't like to move I'd probably be inclined to stay, but because I could see the construction disrupting a lot of things I'd be inclined to move. And you and Brett seem to have no problem moving. With all the construction going on I'd assume finding a new place would be pretty easy too. Or it might be an even bigger pain because the only available places also have construction going on.
    To sum up, never ask me for advice.

    1. At this point, the decision can't be changed. I'm considering this a cultural education as to how a house is built here. Meh. It's fine.

  2. Oh man. The noise would bother me, but you can't just up and move. Again. At least you had warning. That was considerate of them.

    1. In the past couple weeks (since they started), there seems no rhyme or reason to the timing of the work. At least the noisy part. I'm not watching what they're doing. Maybe they work a regular day but parts are quiet.

      They do not work late, though. I think only one night they were still making noise after 5:30 pm. So that's good!

  3. I haven't cared for the dust, but that part seems to be over know. I hope we are right about that. I also think the loudest part is over for now.

    1. I'm sure noise will return once construction starts, but surely the grating noise of pulling apart the wall was the worst!


I enjoy a good debate. Feel free to shake things up. Tell me I'm wrong. Ask me why I have such a weird opinion. ...or, just laugh and tell how this relates to you and your life.