03 April, 2020

Coping #AtoZChallenge

My theme is a bit of a combination of "grief" and "Covid19". At this point, Coping applies more to Covid19 for me, although it clearly applies to grief as well.

Coping with social distancing, self-isolation, and "lock-down" status is not a major hardship for me. I'm an introvert, I work at home, I live in a place I love with lovely weather. The hardest thing for me now is not being able to go out and get my coconut coffee or settle in a corner of a restaurant with my book or notebook.

And frankly, this worldwide pandemic has rather successfully pushed grief out of the way. My nephew and my sister are gone. They are not a part of this. For my sister, with respiratory issues to begin with, I'm glad she left us before all this, so that I could go to the memorial service, be with family, and we could celebrate her life together. The grief would be so much greater without that, I imagine. 

I know many people are losing loved ones and will not have the grace of a gathering and a traditional funeral. Those people have my deepest, heartfelt sympathy.

I must admit though, part of Coping with this pandemic means that I cannot dwell on all the what-ifs. While I feel sympathy, I can't take on everyone else's problems as my own, or I will melt down. My Coping is simply being responsible. I stay in. I wear my mask when I have to shop (fabric masks are everywhere in Vietnam anyway, so there is no stigma). I check in with my family via Facebook messenger.

I think that about covers it.
How are you coping?


  1. Hard times, no doubt. I too am an introvert. So, I am not missing not being able to hang out with friends.
    But I am missing the freedom to walk about in the way we are all used to. Now I have to wear a mask. Still getting used to it.

    1. Yes! Just to walk. A few days ago I walked to the store for groceries, and my legs felt the difference. I miss getting OUT, with or without people.

  2. Coping is hard, especially with sad stories everywhere. But we'll all muddle through.

    1. I like when people post the positives, like neighbor helping neighbor, and support for front-line people.

  3. Your blog on "coping" really hit home. My word was "community" and how I am grieving the loss of it because of the coronavirus. I've visited you before and I enjoy your blog. Found you again through the A to Z challenge. Happy writing! https://www.dianeweidenbenner.com/

    1. Living in the tropics, I still get a bit of a community feeling, because we look over the wall from our front step and can talk to the landlord or our other neighbor. And there's noisy construction right across the street. But I am doing my best to stay within our gates. Thanks for stopping by!

  4. I'm just taking it one day at a time.

    1. That's really what it boils down to. Some days are easier than others.

  5. As the household extrovert, I am handling the isolation much better than I expected. Staying home works for me. It might become my new normal.

    1. HA! I was just thinking I might end up going out more often, after this forced isolation.


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