03 July, 2013

Red and Brett Take a Road Trip

Overheard in my car about a half-hour on the road...

*Brett's phone rings*

Brett: Hey!
Okay. Bring your X-Box.
Just bring it.
See you when you get here!

Now, he had looked puzzled when he saw the number, but recognized the area code and prefix, so answered. After he hung up...
Me: Who was it?
Brett: I dunno. He just said, "I'm going to be about 20 minutes late..."

This is the fun and spontaneous man I love. A stranger calls him, sounding about the right age to own an X-Box (like what, 18-45?) so Brett plays along.

I kept randomly cracking up the whole wedding weekend, thinking of some guy showing up at his buddy's house with his X-Box, and the buddy being all, "Why'd you bring that?" and the guy getting annoyed, "Why'd you ask me to?" 
...Did they look up the call and find out that he mis-dialed? Did they just laugh and set it up to play? Did the buddy who was supposed to get the call leave before this guy arrived, because he never got the message that someone was running late?

Sadly, I’ll never know. Brett cracks me up!


  1. What's even funnier is that guy had an Xbox. No Question.

    1. Yeah...don't know what he'd've said if the guy said, "what Xbox?"

  2. I think people who own an X-box would be more like 13-45. So basically any guy who wasn't alive when electricity and indoor plumbing were invented. So funny though.

  3. I am a bit curious how that turned out as well.

    1. You weren't curious enough to call him back!

    2. Of course not. That's like asking a magician to do his trick again.

  4. Replies
    1. (see above) I'm no comedian, but it probably would have ruined the joke.

  5. You guys are hilarious!!!



    1. He's hilarious. I'm just along for the ride.

  6. Ha! Nice. I wish I could be spontaneously hilarious like that as well. The hubs can pull it off on occasion when he's not bogged down with work stress.

    1. You will meet him. I will be back there. :-)


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