29 March, 2018

April A to Z is Coming! (pseudo-theme reveal)

I just signed up for this year's A to Z blogging challenge. I didn't do it last year because apparently, the only way to link up was on social media, and I try to keep this anonymous.

It's kind of a spontaneous decision this year, and I might be moving during the middle of it, so here's hoping I survive again!

At first, I thought I'd go themeless, and wing it each day, but I'm too organized! I couldn't help starting to think of subjects for different letters. The subjects had no real correlation: I had some ideas for writing about yoga, or travel - which I write about ALL the time, or maybe books. My favorite potential theme was about Marital Bliss. I've been married 4 years but spent a very long time observing successful or failing relationships before deciding to take the plunge, and I have a LOT to say on this subject. 

In the end, I decided the best idea was to include all of the above and just consider my theme to be "Life Wisdom". I don't know how wise it will actually be, but you know, I'll share things that work for me on a variety of aspects of life.


  1. Life Wisdom sounds like a good theme. I think I will skip again this year. I'm just not into it!

    1. Thanks! I really hope to get the habit going again. That was my purpose when I did it before.
      It's a month of change, so I'm kind of glad it's only a "pseudo-theme" because life may instruct me to write about other things!


I enjoy a good debate. Feel free to shake things up. Tell me I'm wrong. Ask me why I have such a weird opinion. ...or, just laugh and tell how this relates to you and your life.