28 March, 2018

Work Work Work

I saw an ad in a social media forum for a job in a marketing position, that called for "female, native English speaker..."

The job sounded right up my alley, from the little information given, so I sent in my resume.

Meanwhile, in the forum, a couple people called out the original poster for discrimination. I mean, there are lots of reasons people need a native English-speaker, and tons of jobs posted with that requirement, but why FEMALE?

This is a very different culture, and after throwing my hat in the ring, I suddenly found myself considering the ad from a negative perspective. The only specific task named was delivering reports to clients. How, exactly, did they expect this new female employee to "deliver reports"? What if this was some sex scam and I'd find myself in a bad situation? Or at least required me to have a certain "pleasing" demeanor? Why female? 

SIDEBAR: This was actually very healthy for me. I wasn't looking for a job, just saw an ad that jumped at me. The process of applying means that now my resume is updated... so when I started considering that the ad might be false or misleading, I decided that "Hey! At the very least, now my resume is 100% up-to-date, so if this job isn't right for me, I can apply elsewhere easily." No stress.

I had an initial interview yesterday, and the job seems legit, but she couldn't answer all of my questions. In my second interview with the manager, I'll ask about why they required only female applicants.

She did ask my age - a question I breezed over and did not answer - so maybe there is some ageism going on. If they actually look at dates on my resume, they'll have a reasonable estimate of my age.

SIDEBAR II: She told me she'd set up a second interview, but I've not heard from her yet, so maybe not? Good news is, since - again - I'm not really looking for a job, there's no stress!

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