15 September, 2018

Catching Up

It's been a rough week. I did that flash fiction in the hopes it would reignite the fire under my creative juices. (ew. That sounds grosser than I intended.) It didn't.

I feel I need to put a disclaimer on all those flash fiction entries I do, but that's not the way it's done. I think my first one was good, but they went downhill from there. That's what I get for writing when I'm uninspired. You can't force creativity!

Unfortunately, when I don't need a boost of creativity, that means I'm actually writing, doing things, posting more on my blog, making progress in my WIP (work in progress) so I don't even think to do a flash fiction. Hm. 

Anyway, I'm still here, and I'm reading many of your blogs, but I often can't even think of words to comment, so I don't. Sorry about that. It'll get better. I hope.


  1. Everyone who blogs goes through this now and again - don't worry. We're not judging. Heck, Spock Sundays started as a way to keep me posting, even if I wasn't writing what went up. Is that a cheat? In one way, yes. But in another way (the one that kept me invested in my blog while my writing mojo was off, touring the world,) no, it isn't.

    The wheel will turn.
    (Or the "whell", as my fingers seem to prefer.)

    1. I like your Spock Sundays. That's a good idea. I have millions of photos stored in the cloud that I haven't even sorted yet. Maybe I can do a photo day or something.
      Thanks for the inspiration!

  2. Ah yes, I know that feeling. When I was writing something every day, I used to write in my "writer's block workshop" which was just me complaining about not feeling good. Part stream-of-consciousness journal, part random snippets of actual writing, sometimes it helped me get back into the writing feeling.

    When we get drained, we need to rest up and get our energy back. There's no shame in taking a bit of a you break. It'll all still be here when you're ready again.

    1. Another good idea! I try to steer clear from stream-of-consciousness writing here, but maybe in the name of writer's block...

  3. I am so sporadic when it comes to reading and more so when it comes to commenting. We do what we can do...sigh.

    1. That's true. We do.
      And I guess when I'm more focused in other areas of life, this is what happens.

  4. You are still writing much more than I am.


I enjoy a good debate. Feel free to shake things up. Tell me I'm wrong. Ask me why I have such a weird opinion. ...or, just laugh and tell how this relates to you and your life.