01 June, 2023

What Day is it?

*looks at corner of laptop screen* June 1st. Okay, so that's...

*digs planner out of suitcase* ...Thursday. Fine.

We are traveling in the US for a few weeks. We arrived [*checks notes*] one week ago. It's 6:40 a.m. Central time, and I've been up for 3 hours because although we are traveling, we are keeping up with our online teaching as much as we can, so I had a class at 5:00. I'm always tired, and there's no telling if it's because of jet lag, or emotional fatigue from being Social. All. The. Time. - or if it's just the constantly rotating sleep schedule due to class times.

Tomorrow we leave Brett's hometown and head off to see my family. Or whatever portion of my family decides to show up. My family overthinks everything, and people are trying to set things in stone instead of just accepting my "I'll be there from this date until that one so come whenever you can." No. Someone must organize something. Which sounds great in theory, and worked quite well here in Brett's hometown, but my family likes to have every detail ironed out before committing to anything.


I'd never noticed this pattern before. Maybe it's because my oldest sister is no longer around to set things up in a simple way.

It'll be fine. 

It'll be whatever it is. 

We'll drive to my mom's town tomorrow. Maybe a brother will show up that night. The next day my sister will come down for the afternoon. Probably we'll go picnic at a winery. Probably my niece will come down that evening - maybe she'll even stay overnight! 

We have things to do in the city on Monday or Tuesday, and I've let it be known that we plan to leave on Tuesday or Wednesday. We've got people to see on the East Coast who actually want to make plans to get together. People who actually want to see me and are excited I'm back in the country!

I can't blame my family. I just saw them 3 years ago, and that was for my sister's funeral, so we really don't have a ton of positive recent memories. If I was my sibling, I'd probably prefer to stay home, too. That might be best: if everyone just decides to stay home. I really hope that everyone does what's on their heart, and doesn't push themselves to visit out of a sense of obligation.

So far, this first leg of the trip has been cool. I'm really looking forward to the final leg, out on the coast. The middle part will be fine. I'll be happy to see whoever I see.

Family can be weird.


  1. Hoping it ends up to be a memorable trip and a positive one!

    1. It was good. Short and sweet, leaving me time to help my mom with some electronics and hanging curtains. Then we'll head out after one more thing with my little brother tomorrow.

  2. Someone recently told me (my therapist!!) "leave room for joy." I was anticipating a family "thing" and my attitude was not very positive. For that entire day, I allowed those words "leave room for joy" to run through my head. It turned out ok! I hope your time with family turns out ok, too! Leave room for joy!

    1. It was good! Short, with some overlap between most of the family coming in. Short was probably good. That way there was time for everyone to catch up with each other, laugh, commiserate, and part on good terms. A lot of joy. Good idea! I know I had overworked it in my head.

  3. Gee, tell us what you really think of your family. I hope you have a good trip. It's too bad you can't just say you'll be at such and such restaurant (or park or such) at specific date and time and let who wants to show up show up.

    1. I have heard it through the grapevine that I am the difficult sibling, so I'm sure it was all in my head. Even though it was short, it was nice that everyone took time to drive out here (3-4 hours for some) for at least the afternoon/evening. Now I have a bit more quality time with Mom before we roll on.

  4. It turned out to be a great visit. I thought it went very well and no drama.

    1. True. No drama. Just some easy, good times.


I enjoy a good debate. Feel free to shake things up. Tell me I'm wrong. Ask me why I have such a weird opinion. ...or, just laugh and tell how this relates to you and your life.