04 February, 2012

Me, the Movie Whore, or rather: Star Wars is Coming

Do you pay attention to the Oscars? I never used to, and then I did because for a while I lived near a friend who was a movie maniac threw the most AWESOME Oscar parties. (Seriously, I miss his parties.)

I’ve gotten away from it since I moved away from him and now have no need to be able to predict who will win what, and no money to go to all the movies. But lately I have been a MOVIE WHORE! That’s right, I’m selling my soul for vacuous entertainment and vast amounts of popcorn…and sometimes the popcorn is better than the movie. I credit my increasing time at the cinema with procrastination and general avoidance of the gym (read: laziness).

In 2012 I’ve already seen Sherlock 2, J Edgar, Tinker Tailor Soldier spy, One For The Money, and Mission Impossible. I’m averaging a movie a week! Insane. What a whore I am.

I had always wanted to see One For The Money because I read those books – Janet Evanovich is a guilty pleasure; she always makes me laugh. The other movies were all circumstantial. (I don’t recommend J Edgar or Tinker Taylor, fyi.)...(Not that you know me or my taste well enough to take my advice, so go anyway and let me know what you think, or if you’ve already seen one of them and loved it, let me know!)

I’ve been anticipating the Star Wars 3Ds (hello- obviously!...unless this is the first post of mine that you’ve read, in which case, read the one about my Blog Title and it will become obvious.), but until last night I did not know the opening date. I now know that it opens on the 10th, on which evening I have a previous  VERY IMPORTANT engagement, but I have already requested that day off from work, SO…

After some annoyingly nitpicky web-searches, I have actually purchased – ONLINE, for the first time, thankyouverymuch – a ticket for the earliest showing within 40 miles of my location. I was shocked to see that my local theater doesn’t seem to be opening it on its opening night, because they love to do midnight-viewings of the huge releases i.e. on midnight of Thursday night, so technically Friday – the release date. But I’m not seeing it listed. If they do it, then I will just have to see it twice, I guess!

…Hmm…I was going to say something about NOT watching the Oscars this year, or about contemplating seeing The Artist as my next procrastination attempt, but well, Star Wars trumps all.

…also Hmm…I haven’t droned on about the Superbowl this year. And that’s this weekend. I’ll be watching, and rooting for the Giants not because I care about either team, but just because you have to choose one or the other!

(and I apologize for the vast sentences and odd grammar today. I actually purchased my ticket while I was composing this, so am probably on a bit of an adrenaline rush. I've also been eating dark chocolate peanut M&Ms, so am probably on a bit of a sugar-high.)


  1. I love movies, but do not like going to the movies. There is always some idiot that won't shut up, they frown on me laying in the floor, they don't let me bring my own food (although, I have been known to sneak in the occasional Big Mac) and they won't pause it when I get up to go to the bathroom.

    I just wait for the DVD. I get all the aforementioned privileges AND it costs much less.

    1. Exactly. You and me both! So when did I become a matinee junkie? See, for me that's the trick. If you go to the matinee you're less likely to have all those interruptions. ...although they still won't pause for you. I sat through Sherlock wishing for a pause!

    2. Sometimes I think the theater just wants our money. I'll bet if we didn't pay them, they wouldn't let us watch.

    3. But then how would I procrastinate? I'd have to be creative with my delay -tactics.

    4. Can't help you there. I am a procrastination natural. It's a gift.

  2. I really wish I could get around to watching that many movies with my girlfriend but we just don't have the time. :(

    1. Oh, I should not be taking the time, that's for sure. But this Saturday, after a funeral - very sad - I needed a distraction again, and went to see The Grey!

      Actually I shouldn't be spending the money, more than taking the time, but somehow I am... Good luck getting to the theatre soon!

  3. We average about a movie a week. I think Tinker Tailor was marketed to be a different type of spy movie than it was. It's a quiet British spy movie. I might like it better a second time without the differing expectations. I'm glad Gary Oldman finally got an Oscar nomination, though.

    1. I love Gary Oldman, so KNEW I'd love it. But it was really filmed in the 70s-style, if you know what I mean: A little slower-moving than I'm used to from my spy movies! I bet the book is good, though.


I enjoy a good debate. Feel free to shake things up. Tell me I'm wrong. Ask me why I have such a weird opinion. ...or, just laugh and tell how this relates to you and your life.