(okay, I.B. again. The Movie Whore does a fine job telling this story, but she's not a reader. I know readers, and some of you out there skip to the end. Shame on you. But just so that you WON'T do that, I am over-riding the Movie Whore's instincts and editing the order of this story, by bringing the end to the top. Enjoy.)
Seriously, that was an awesome good-bye. I bet Red can't wait to see him again, just to say good-bye again! ...well, maybe not just that. And I guess more to the point she probably wishes she'd stayed there just a little bit longer.
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Are these squirrels, I.B.? No, Whore, those are Prairie Dogs. Whatever. Rodents. |
But DUDE! It sure took them long enough to get there! They should have started their day that way.
I.B.: No-no. It was just right. They had to get used to each other's presence first. And it didn't matter that they started slow. These two can't keep anything from each other. Didn't you hear them?
Yeah, yeah. They both wanted to start out by greeting the other with a kiss. Both FAILED! Sad, so sad. It would have made a better opening scene if they had. ...I should have written this script. Romance is wasted on the unromantic.
I.B.: Maybe a better scene, but think it through. If they started the way they ended, would they have had the rest of their random adventure?
Sure! You know Red loves her “random”.
I.B.: Yeah, but after 3 months of talk? It's better that they ended today this way. It's a better story. PLUS you know there will be a sequel.
(I.B. the editor back again: There, now you know it ended well. And some goobers who still skipped to the bottom will have learned their lesson! Now I'll let the Movie Whore tell it.)
First off, if this were a movie, the costumes would get about a B-. Red stuck to her guns (thankfully) and dressed as she naturally would in shorts and a tank for such a hot day. She did NOT follow Aphrodite's unsolicited advice to wear a dress. But seriously, Red? Sandals? Fail. Big time fail. Should have gone with flip-flops.
I.B.: Brett looked good, what's your complaint there, Movie Whore?
Brett did look good in his black jeans and light blue shirt that matched his eyes perfectly. (Yeah, we're onto you, Brett; that was SO not a coincidence!) But jeans? In 85-degree weather? Fail.
They both looked good, natural, like themselves, but since they both got a FAIL, that brings them both down to a B-.
I.B.: Okay, I'll go along with that logic. Tell them about the State Park Fiasco!
Yeah. They had this one all figured out until the day before when they decided to meet at a different State Park. See, Red liked the idea of meeting at a park because it's different, it's active, you get to really see what the other person is like. ...It's a good idea, really. Only because of the last minute change, Red and Brett found themselves at a state park whose nature center was not open – not such a catastrophe since it turned out to be sunny for the first time since Red got here! - but Red gets these ideas in her head, and so this "not being able to meet at the nature center" kind of threw her off.
Anyway, they started off on one of the trails, just chatting like on one of their phone calls. Boring stuff. Then they get to the puddles in the path and Red remembered that it had been raining for 3 days! Seriously, what a goober she is. After a while of both of these two nuts trying to find the dry ground on either side of the many puddles, and of Red finding guck squishing into her sandals, she finally took them off and carried them. This is what I'm saying: FLIP-FLOPS!
I.B. Hey at least there can be no pretense! She wanted to be her real, natural self and not the dress-wearing perfect Miss that Aphrodite was suggesting... and I think squishing through the mud and splattering it from your shoes onto your clothes qualifies as “real” and “natural”!
Whatever. When they got back to the parking lot, they decided to find something else to do that would be less hot and muddy. Thanks to Brett's road atlas, they trekked off down the road to a town of historical significance that was in the direction of Brett's hometown.
I.B.: Oh that's good. I know Red was concerned about the fact that he had to drive the furthest.
Yeah, but did you hear later when he said he didn't mind driving so far, because he knew she had just driven across the country? Geez. Is it possible for two people to be TOO considerate of each other?
I.B.: I don't know. But it sure seemed like the two of them together have difficulty making any clear decisions. Go on with the story, you're doing fine.
Well, kudos to the historian who was giving the tour of these little buildings from a time before Indiana was even a state. He really knew his stuff and was very thorough. Red is a very good audience, and she later blamed herself for how long he took. But after all, this is her new home state, and she loves this kind of stuff anyway.
The funny thing was that later, when Red blamed herself, Brett agreed that the historian seemed to get excited every time she asked questions.
I.B.: Do most people not ask questions when they're touring an historical site?
I dunno. I've only ever been in Red's head. I don't think she's a good example of “normal”. ...and what's with the pretentious "an historical", I.B? Loosen up!
I.B.: Whatever. They both got a personalized bookmark out of the tour, and I LOVE it! I'll put it in the book I'm reading right now! But moving on, what did you think of the dinner scene? (if that's what we're calling it, because it was quite early for true “dinner”.)
That was a surprise! I know neither one had eaten before they met, so by 4:30 in the afternoon of course they were hungry, but Red was intentionally avoiding that scenario by doing the park thing because if you do a meal there's the whole “decision-making” thing, the whole “here's what I don't eat” thing, the possibility of dripping/splattering all over yourself, the possibility that he might chew with his mouth open and then it's all over(because that's disgusting), and of course the whole “Bistromathics” thing. ...although she needn't have worried: Brett took care of the Bistromathics issue by just paying for everything, like a gentleman.
I.B.: Should we explain Bistromathics?
Nah, Red already did. I'll just link to that post
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(For those of you who aren't going to click the link, Bistromathics is a theory from Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.) |
I.B.: You may be on to something with your "is it possible to be TOO considerate?" Although they decided on Fazoli's pretty quickly, for all Red's concerns about eating on a first "date".
I think Red was only pretending to be indecisive about where to eat. She knew full well she'd passed a Fazoli's, and ever since Brett's daughter made a comment about that chain on her FB page, Red's been looking forward to that aspect of Indiana.
I.B.: See what I mean? Too considerate. She could just as easily have said, “I saw a Fazoli's, and I've been anxious to eat there, because we don't have them in Delaware.” Brett's a very easy-going guy. He wouldn't have minded ...and then someone would have made a quick decision!
Well, regardless of how they got there, the dining scene was my least favorite part of today: No action. Just two people talking and eating. And then good-bye.
I.B.: Good-bye was good!
Good-bye was very good! I'd watch a replay of that. Maybe that's where Red is...watching the replay. Haha!
(I.B. the editor: For those of you who jumped to the end first, regardless of the warning. HAHA! Joke's on you! The ending is at the beginning!)
Well, hopefully Red will return to her right mind soon enough to field the comments. I don't know if we're equipped to answer any questions!
Glad you had a good time. Yeah, I always thought going to the movies was the worst date. I can sit in the dark and not talk to you at home.
ReplyDeleteI know, right? I almost always go to movies alone - well, with the Movie Whore. There's just no point! And dinner can really be a minefield. Fortunately it was easy with Brett.
DeleteI haven't been to a fazoli's in ages
ReplyDeleteThe only way I used to do Fazoli's was on the tollway up north. I have two sisters along that road, and driving out from the east coast gave me opportunities.
DeleteMy Italian friends might not approve of "fast" Italian food, but it's yummy.
RED!!!!! You're making me cry in the Internet cafe!!! It's all I can do to stay in my seat! I'm freaking out! I didn't jump to the end of the post - I loved the beginning and I loved the whole thing. I'm so happy!! Made a great day perfect!! I can't stop smiling! Hurray! Best romance I've ever happened across in my life. So happy that I found you guys! Love you both!
ReplyDeleteOf course you're crying. You crack me up. I hoped you'd like it, and the fact that the Movie Whore got her say. I owe her two posts now, so you'll be hearing more from her.
DeleteIt was a fun day, and I think not every guy would be so easy-going at all the chaos.
Surely you didn't have to hope that I would like it? lol... my liking it was guaranteed! And The Movie Whore did a great job bringing the whole post to life! Just read Brett's post and it's great as well. People are going to think I'm absolutely crazy (which I sort of am) because I can't stop smiling at the computer lol.
DeleteSpeaking of jumping in half way into the story, that's how i'm feeling here. I'm wishing that i had been around for all the build up to this. It's a wonderful story. :)
ReplyDeleteI'll try tagging all the pertinent posts with "Red&Brett". I started doing that only recently, because I didn't realize it was going to be a story! Meanwhile, it all started when Brett proposed to me in the comments on my Feb. 13 post, and let's see... my Axe-Murderer post is a response to one of Brett's. Red & Brett's Secret Squirrel Squad is another pertinent post, and Brett's post about his Chaos Butterfly Powers includes some of this story line, too.
Delete...just if you feel like getting the back story.
I imagine he will include some back links. The Movie Whore and my Inner Bibliophile didn't think of it.
Sounds like a great date, and agreed about the movie thing... not a great date place. Also, I haven't been a Fazoli's in years, but then again, I'm a pasta snob. Start serving wine at Fazoli's and we'll talk!
ReplyDeleteYeah, out in Delaware I'd refuse to go to a chain restaurant...except maybe drive-thru breakfast if I was running late. There are so many great local eateries.
Delete...but, we were in a place neither of us knew, so a good reliable chain worked. Plus I can't help it. I love it. (but don't try to take me to Olive Garden. They're pretentious about being pre-prepared food. At least Fazoli's is honest!)
All that build up for THAT? That's all? Meh.
I am so glad you guys finally got that meeting out of the way. I feel like until you were face to face for the first time, you both didn't know if all of it was really "real" or not. I'm happy for both of you. Except for the obvious nerves that you both probably had, and a little mud, it seemed to have gone quite smoothly. I don't know of this Fazoli's, as I don't frequent the midwest, but I do know Olive Garden and blech. Hope it was better than that.
So . . . sparks? ;)
(P.S. I liked the MW v. IB format. Very cute way to reveal the details of the date!).
Yeah, I'm not a fan of Olive Garden either, but mostly because it's so obviously not fresh, and they make a huge deal out of it. Fazoli's is fast food, but Italian. Basic pasta, flatbread pizza, etc.
DeleteBetter breadsticks than O.G. though.
Red, I had to jump in on this comment...because of my love for food.. Fazoli's is to Italian as McDonald's is to a Red Robin..
DeletePs the bread is ten times better than olive garden!!! I agree...
I didn't skip to the end, I am proud to say. It sounds like a lovely date.
ReplyDeleteSoooo...I assume from the kissing prairie dog pic that there is 'real life' chemistry. SQUEEEEEEE!
Yeah, at long last. >sigh<
DeleteI skipped to the end and didn't know what happened until I went back to read the whole thing.
ReplyDeleteIt was a great day. Our next meeting will be more relaxed from the beginning.
Definitely. As soon as we figure a time and place!
DeleteBrett and Red - I've been following along with this unfolding story and am delighted that your actual meeting worked out so well. It reminds me much of my first actual meeting four years ago with the man who would soon become my husband. We met online and shared at least a hundred hours of deep phone conversations before we actually met up for a weekend a couple weeks later. I wasn't sure what to expect before meeting him, and I was a nervous as he was, but I was certain we would be great friends at the very least. Needless to say, the feelings ran a whole lot deeper, I relocated to Texas to marry him, and the rest is history. I'm wishing wonderful shared adventures for the both of you too!
ReplyDeleteI keep hearing these stories... but I'm trying to keep my feet on the ground and take it a step at a time. Relationships are not my strong suit. Or haven't been in the past, so here's hoping I get it right this time!
DeleteYou never know Red, I used to feel just like you. I went thru three really bad marriages before I met Papa Bear, sometimes God saves the best for last! If it's mean to be it will work out, for now just enjoy the fun of getting to know each other!
DeleteAhhhhh!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so glad that you didn't hate each other upon first sight!
ReplyDeleteAlthough.. I have to give you kudos for having the balls to meet an internet dude for the first time in the WILDERNESS. Those are some big (but feminine) balls you have! Hats off to you ;)
I met my husband online, and before I met him I was convinced he was going to try to chop me into teeny tiny pieces. I made him meet me in a coffee shop, where I was convinced the judo-trained baristas would protect me. As it turned out, he's more of a pacifist than I am, so HE should have been the nervous one. Oh well!
Well, you read about my concerns with meeting in a food-centered place. The other side is (what I wouldn't say while I lived in Delaware) I used to work for Delaware State Parks, so I really appreciate the setting, and figured it would give me a level of comfort when I really don't know my new location.
Delete...and by this time I'm not really concerned about him being an axe-murderer. I'm the one with all the murder background from my mystsery books!
LOL - so it was YOU who lured him into the wilderness! :) It doesn't seem like he's too worried, but maybe he SHOULD be... *eyebrow wiggle* Those mystery books are like training manuals!
DeleteYeah, I'm devious like that. We had a murder free Cinco de Mayo yesterday, too. I have to make him feel relaxed before I strike. ;-)
DeleteWell I have to start out and say (I know that I'm going to get killed by Brett for saying these things)
ReplyDelete1. I see Brett everyday, and watching him the last week up to the day that he left to meet you was really awesome. I asked him everyday "Are you nervous?" Everyday until the time he left was "No."
2. I talked with him after he left you and he seemed liked the happiest person on earth!!!
3. I was sooooo glad to talk to you for a brief moment tonight!!!
4. I wanted to end this by saying out of the two post that I thought were going to be the same. Your post by far was the best!!!! (sorry Preach)
Thank you! We talked about doing one post to put on both pages, but we have very different styles. I'm not sure how that would have worked.
DeleteI had to let my alter egos write this one. You might have noticed I am a VERY private person. I, Red, could never have said all the stuff that these two inner voices said!
What a wonderful story! No one has said this yet, i actually checked, so i'm going to say it - you guys are cute. there, i said it. ka-pow!
ReplyDeleteHaha. Thanks Catherine! Now you know that no matter how old you are, you still get nervous about that first meeting with someone you're interested in.
DeleteSad but true. I believe in these scenarios we never mature beyond age 15.
Very new to the story Red but have caught up (sort of) from Brett's blog. I'm loving the online romance thing! So cool! And I agree that no one matures beyond age 15 when it comes to meeting someone new. Can't wait to stay posted to both of your blogs. You guys will have to start an offshoot blog - "The Blog Couple". :)
DeleteThank you! I was glad Brett gave some background links. I totally forgot to.
DeleteI was thinking I might start a "Red&Brett" page on this blog to collect the pertinent posts, but I really don't like to think of my life as a "story", so I'm ...hesitant. We'll see.
Yeah! I'm glad you guys got together finally.
ReplyDeleteMy wife and I would meet in Cincinnati (halfway) while we were dating. We did zoo dates and hiking at "Big Bone Lick Park" (insert joke here) but they were really the best dates. Walking around, talking and enjoying each other's company. We also walked the riverfront at night in Cincinnati. We did usually hit a movie but that was on Sunday afternoon because we had to check out of the hotel and were stalling on leaving each other.
I don't know if you've said how close you guys are to each other or not, but is it close enough that you'll be able to do these dates often? I know you like your privacy so don't feel obligated to answer if you don't want to.
Never mind, just read it on Brett's blog. Guess I should have waited till I read them both.
DeleteWe're close enough for day trips. We met again yesterday, and I actually got him to go to a movie! The next get together will be a little more. Of a wait because of our schedules.
DeleteWell, now that we've really had time to get to know each other, do you think this is going to work out? Should we keep going?
ReplyDeleteI can't believe I wrote this! It's a mess! I want to delete it and re-write the post. Yuck.
DeleteYou notice, I still get ideas in my head, and then when that idea won't work it takes a while to move on!