I know I’ve been complaining about having to say good-bye so often, and how I’m so non-social that it’s just exhausting to me. I’m sad to say the “Helpmedrainmyliquorcabinet” party was cancelled because I left work that day with a sore throat and didn’t think that partying and making it worse would be a good idea a week before moving.
…but I had already made a pitcher of “knock-you-on-your-a$$” margaritas. So I borrowed a thermos from my officemate, and brought them in to work. …So that we can hang out after work and have a beverage! (Not for lunch - I’m not that much of a lush, geeze!)
However, last night’s “cookout” which turned into an indoor dinner because of the nor-easter that blew through was the best farewell yet.
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Terpsichore (She doesn't dress like this.) |
This friend of mine, who I shall call… I think Terpsichore is the muse of song, so I that works. Anyway, Terpsichore started having occasional dinner parties with a small group of theatre friends and others last summer – or fall…it was after Hurricane Irene which I think was August – so that’s who this group was. One of the guests – let’s just call him "Buddha" because he’s very zen-like – has a musically gifted son who was there, set up his keyboard and entertained us with live jazz piano! It created a fantastic ambience!
I tried to get video with my phone, but the only one that took is all dark. Apparently for video you can’t change the setting. Weird.
I had brought along a bottle of wine (and was reprimanded for bringing wine to a party in my honor, but I told Terpsichore that I have 4 bottles at home and what does she expect me to do - drink a bottle a night?). A white wine that I had introduced Terpsichore to before, which I remembered she liked. She said she could never remember the name of the wine, so she had me autograph the label and said she was keeping the bottle. Cute. Later, when she poured bubbly to make a toast, she gave me the champagne cork…so I made her autograph it. Now we're even.
Also, I have another RL Secret Squirrel now! (for the story of the Secret Squirrels, click that link) Oddly enough, it’s not the hostess. Since she’s been trying to set me up with a variety of men over the years, and met her husband through an online dating site, I don’t think I could have handled her reaction, positive though it probably would be.
Nope. It’s Buddha!
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See? He's even doing yoga! |
Buddha is a lovely man (married, so don't worry) who’s been cast opposite me several times. We make a good comedy team because he’s short. He comes up to about my shoulder. Think where that puts his eyes. Funny stuff if a director can work it into the action. He’s…oh, probably about 15 or so years older than me. And very protective of me, which seems to be a running theme with older men in my life. Buddha is the guy who took over from me when I walked away from the theatre a month ago (read about it here and in the comments), and he was very concerned that the director had offended me.
He likes to tell me that he doesn’t understand how come I’ve remained single, and blames it on the men in this county, discounting the fact that I am not a fan of the dating game in general. He is by far my greatest admirer. (Well, maybe just my greatest admirer who has actually met me.) We had an interesting conversation last night. (Please keep in mind that he probably thinks of me more highly than most people.)
Buddha: If I prayed, my prayer, or wish, or vision for your future out there [in the Midwest] would be that you would meet a man who could see and love your beauty, but stop and listen to the beautiful person you are and love that person as much.
~~~How could I leave him hanging after sharing this complimentary vision, and not explain what’s happening?~~~
Me: Well, let me share something with you that only two other people in Delaware know.
Buddha: I’m honored.
Me: I’m going to be meeting someone soon after I get to Indiana, who I’ve been talking to for months.
Buddha: (puts his hand to his heart)
Me: We met online, but not through a dating site, and neither of us really expected anything to happen, but, well, we’ll meet soon.
Buddha: (hands together in a “Namaste” movement) I’m so glad to hear it.
So now there are four Secret Squirrels in my Real Life (plus my father, the Mole), plus all of my blog Secret Squirrels. It suddenly occurred to me that I should not be complaining that Brett’s family doesn’t take me seriously when I’m not even being totally open with everyone in my life about him! So, I’m sorry about that Brett.
I am now down to 4 farewells: Tomorrow night, Thursday at work, Friday at the Symphony, and Sunday after church. Sweet.
On an entertainingly different note, the Movie Whore may be getting her own avatar. I have several artistic friends and family members and put a call out for an image. We shall see. You know the artistic temperament…or maybe you don’t. Basically I don’t expect quick turn around because they can’t rush their muse.
And today’s Reason to Celebrate:
It’s St. George’s Day! ...I have no idea what is the standard M.O. for this day.
Catholics, a little help here?
Do we all go out and slay dragons, or what?
So... when are you guys going to meet? And what if you hate each other in person? Are you going to be honest with us about it?
ReplyDeleteBecause... seriously, I'm dying to know.
Good luck on the move! I'd offer to help, but I don't want to :)
I think by now it's safe to say we won't *hate* each other, but we've agreed to be brutally honest with each other after that first meeting, about whether or not there will be another one.
DeleteI cannot lie. It's a curse. And I don't think we'd be able to keep up the charade anyway, so yes, I have to say I will be honest with my Secret Squirrels (though perhaps not brutally so).
Always exciting and nerve wrecking to meet someone in person for the first time... I'm sure it will go great.
ReplyDeleteThanks. I'm pretty confident it will be a positive experience, but *someone* is trying to stay grounded.
DeleteAww, that's so sweet that Buddha thinks that highly of you and was happy for your upcoming meeting with Brett. I get that you don't wanna go around telling everyone yet. I'm sure it will be much more real once you actually meet. Either you will have that connection . . . or not. Hopefully not not. :)
ReplyDeleteWow, only 3 more goodbyes? Whatever will you do with yourself when you don't have to tell anyone goodbye? Oh, yeah . . . that's right. Just move away. Just think . . . then you have lots of "Hellos" to look forward to!! :)
Oh, and now what are you gonna do with all that liquor??
Well the final goodbye at my church will end with me driving off toward the Bay Bridge and points west, so that's kind of nice that this bizarre countdown ends so precisely.
DeleteThe officemate and I actually did start working on the margaritas today. Poor girl is stressed that all my work will be dumped on her after I leave. Beyond that, I've decided I need to focus on one. Like if I have a Jack&Coke every night I'll finish that bottle and that's one less to move!
Well, it seems that you will be heading in my direction . . . feel free to drop a couple bottles off at my house if you want!! Less weight for that car of yours on the long trip. :D
DeleteHey if you want to meet me near Frederick, I just follow I-70 the whole way. I'll probably need gas or coffee or both by then. What's your poison? I'll try not to guzzle it down before Sunday. ;)
DeleteHaha! I was kidding (sort of), but if you really do wanna get rid of some, I actually have a birthday party I'll be at with my son in Frederick on Sunday afternoon! When do you think you'll be swinging by there? If you want to email me, that might be easier . . .
DeleteReally happy and sad for you Red at the same time. This time I did read your post and just didn't look at the pictures!!! But, the only thing I remembering reading was something about a Jack and Coke!!!!!
ReplyDeleteP.S. someone told me that you didn't see the movie that I was referring to the other day. You should its one of my top five greatest movies!
Its called Master of the Universe, allow with Willow, and The Wizard
Willow was good. You know my feelings about Masters of the Universe already, but The Wizard? Really?
DeleteAnd you complain about my movie choices.
Okay, not familiar with The Wizard. Love Willow. You realize that's another George Lucas story? I wouldn't mind seeing Masters. Of the Universe. Poseidon was very into that and I remember the cartoon.
DeleteAlthough I have to say that so far Brett and I seem to have astoundingly similar taste in movies!
You don't need to apologize about my family. For years, I have given them many reasons not to take me too seriously.
ReplyDeleteLike Buddha, I am wondering how you stayed single so long.
Consciously removed myself from the dating game. You caught me with my guard down...all internetty and stuff.
DeleteI'm stealthy like that. It comes with my ninja skills.
Delete:-) :-) :-) :-) :-):-) :-) :-) :-) :-):-) :-) :-) :-) :-):-) :-) :-) :-) :-):-) :-) :-) :-) :-):-) :-) :-) :-) :-):-) :-) :-) :-) :-):-) :-) :-) :-) :-):-) :-) :-) :-) :-):-) :-) :-) :-) :-):-) :-) :-) :-) :-):-) :-) :-) :-) :-):-) :-) :-) :-) :-):-) :-) :-) :-) :-):-) :-) :-) :-) :-):-) :-) :-) :-) :-):-) :-) :-) :-) :-):-) :-) :-) :-) :-):-) :-) :-) :-) :-):-) :-) :-) :-) :-):-) :-) :-) :-) :-):-) :-) :-) :-) :-):-) :-) :-) :-) :-)....................................:-)!!!!!!!!!!!!
DeleteWhat Bozo said!
Delete*Sigh* I am totally captivated by y'alls internetty romance. We are all rooting for you guys (no pressure)!!
So here's what I want to know - when you two finally meet, how will you decide which one of you gets to post about it first?? Will it be a he said/she said thing? Will you flip a coin?
The suspense!!
We hadn't really talked about it, but I guess I'd been thinking we'd both post our own perspective. That is, as long as we're sort of on the same page. If we're both thinking "hey let's do this again," then it's all good and we won't be talking at cross purposes. If we're both in agreement that, "hmm best we just keep our interaction to the blogosphere " then we still won't be at cross purposes. I think it will be difficult if we each have opposing views. Guess we'll figure that out at the time!
DeleteThe plot thickens!
ReplyDeleteIt does indeed.
DeleteI love how everyone is honing in on the ending of this post. I thought i'd take more of a beating over canceling the much anticipated party.
Love your post of course! 'Budha' sounds like a really lovely person - and I especially loved how he put his hand on his heart when you told him about Brett. That's just so sweet!
ReplyDeleteAnd by the way, I'm confident that 'hate' will not come into the picture at all!
I have to agree with you, but there's a lot that can happen that doesn't mean "hate". Gotta try to be realistic even when it doesn't seem possible to keep my feet on the ground.
DeleteDid I mention I'm 4 goodbyes away from Indiana?
Realistic is a good thing, of course. I just don't imagine hate making it into the picture in anyway.
DeleteI do hope you're better than me at keeping your feet on the ground though - I'm pathetic. My mind is so stubborn when it wants something, that even when I know the facts of the matter, I can manage to convince myself otherwise. Not good because you end up getting hurt much more!
Yes, you mentioned the 4 goodbyes lol... this is getting rather exciting as the day draws near!
If you like, you can mention the 4 goodbyes again ;-)
DeleteI don't think there's any particular celebration for St George's Day. It's just a namesake day, which is like a birthday for anyone who has the same name as the day. St Michael's day is some time in September.
ReplyDeleteThank you! I figured it was something like that, but didn't know if we were supposed to light a candle or something. I lit some incense, if that counts!
DeleteI haven't read your new post yet. It sounds like everything is ok with Brett... but hate to hear of him going to the ER! I'll be waiting for that post!
ReplyDeleteI sent him an email just to check in with him - and then of course, only after sending it, hoped it was ok. I mean, maybe he doesn't want his news bounding around the world...
DeleteI sent a reply. I will write about it later today.
Deletelol, got it. thanks!