22 August, 2017

In brief, I'm back.

Well, I'm back, but immediately launched into a busy schedule. Each day, I think I will write a blog post, and then don't.

The day we returned to Beijing, my contact at the audio studio asked when we could come in. So on Friday Brett and I both went down, then I went down again on Saturday. And he keeps expecting me to come down during any couple free hours I have! I'm saying no, a lot.

My boss kindly did not ask me to come in on the weekend, and even only has me working half-days this week! But then, we set up our Mandarin language classes, and they will take up the other half of 3 days a week. 

In short:
We returned safely to Beijing.
We accomplished what we needed to in the US.
I will write a proper blog-post, maybe this weekend.


  1. We are busier in China than we ever were in the States.

    1. In the States, we each had just one job...

  2. Glad you got to make the US trip. Hope it was good to see family and friends!

    1. Yeah, we're not sure when we'll go back again. There's so much more of the world to visit! (And the US is not a cheap trip to make.)


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