07 March, 2023

Tuesday Tricks of the Trade

...but I mean, is blogging a "trade"? Regardless.

It's March. Which means April is around the corner. (See how astute I am?) Which means it's time to decide about the A to Z blogging challenge. (because I'm a planner.)

Actually, by the end of last year's A-to-Z, I had an idea for a theme for 2023, so the decision was half-made already. " 美中不足 " (Měizhōngbùzú) (a Chinese idiom roughly translated to "the fly in the ointment" but more literally meaning "beauty inside no enough".) is that I have gotten busier lately. Time, annoyingly, continues to pass at its regular pace, whether I have more or less to do each day.

I'm doing a little more online teaching, which requires extra preparation. I still need to be accessible whenever things happen at our little school that might require my attention. As we grow, that happens more often. I even went to one of the events we held at a public school, to observe and get some pictures for social media.

If I want to do A-to-Z this year, I'm going to have to pull out some of the tricks I've used in the past - which a lot of the participants habitually do - and schedule posts in advance.

I did some math the other day and figured out how many more posts I need to write in advance in order to feel ready to go for it. Some posts will be repeats from this past year. (As I said, I had my theme in mind in May already, so I've been practicing.) 

Theme reveal time is next week. I don't usually participate (because I forget about it) but I've put it in my planner. If I can get enough posts set up, you'll find out next week!  


  1. There is nothing wrong with scheduling your posts. I do it on the regular. It sounds like your part way there already. Good luck.

    1. I know. I'm not against it. I'm trying to get better at it. I've just got to set aside a time for it, I think. My last AtoZ's have been fun with flash fiction, but this would give me a better opportunity to spend April visiting other blogs.

  2. One of the years I participated, I have about 80% of them written before April even arrived. That gave me more time to go visit the other blogs doing it.

    1. I think the last time I did that was the year I wrote about Sri Lanka... 2017 or 2018.


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