06 July, 2017

Better Late Than Never

I've been neglectful. Here I spent such good effort rebuilding my blogging habit, and it has dwindled. Guess I need another challenge. These last couple weeks I haven't even visited my blogroll as much as I'd like. 

Truthfully, I have been really busy. We went to this "Mandarin Mixer" on the 24th, and since then we've checked out three different Mandarin schools and their language classes. I'm ready to commit, but not until after we return from the States.

Plus, my primary job has been bleeding into home-life with extra tasks to prepare for more video recordings.

Plus, the audio recording guy re-discovered my number and I've been down at his studio for several hours a week the last couple weeks.

Plus, I have two drama camps coming this month that I'm preparing for. I finally finished the scripts and sent them to my Chinese counterpart. One camp will do an altered version of Jack and the Beanstalk, called Jackie and the Chili-stalk. The second camp will do an original play of my own devising, based on the poem The Owl and the Pussycat. I'm quite proud of it, but may have laced it with too many inside jokes.

Plus, did I mention we're planning a visit to the US? We're within the last 4 weeks prior to departure. I bought a new suitcase last weekend.

But it's okay.
It's all good.
I'm getting very good at focusing on the moment.

At the moment, it's raining outside. A steady downpour. I walked home from the subway in it after another voice recording session.

At the moment, I'm working on a yearbook for a private preschool - Oh yeah, another project that was dropped on me a week ago, for their graduation in a month. (School years are so random.)

At the moment, I REALLY want some popcorn. Preferably air-popped, but I'd take any salty popcorn. It's all sweet here! Crazy.

At the moment, I'd better get back to the yearbook. I just needed a momentary break.


  1. Graduation from pre-school. I have never understood that. Then it's 6th grade. And then 8th grade. Then high school. By the time they get to college the ceremony just isn't a big deal. Are you excited about you trip to the States??

    1. Don't get me started on pointless graduation ceremonies! But they don't seem to do any ceremony at all here. Maybe high school? I don't even think so. So this private school shows extreme pride in their kids, and wants to show it. Meh. I'm over it.

      It's hard to get excited just yet, when my two busiest weeks are yet to come. I'm most excited about our 2-day stop in Vancouver, because that will be the most restful part of it!

  2. It's amazing how easy it is to be really really busy here if we allow it. EVERYONE wants us to do things for them. Luckily, I'm pretty good at saying NO.

    1. Which is good, because your regularly set schedule has less free time!

    2. You're organizing the next trip!

  3. It really is amazing how busy you've been. I hope your adaptation of Edward Lear goes over well.

    1. So far, my Chinese assistant director likes it, but suggested that for some of the words in the Vocab list, I should use pictures.
      I just hope the kids get into it!

  4. "Plus, plus, plus, plus..."

    Uh yeah, completely understandable! I'm tired just reading all of that. The fact that you're even still trying to blog and visit other blogs during all of this - admirable! You're doing way better than either of us would with even half of the stuff you've got going on.

    1. Sadly, the brain-fry makes it hard to turn on my computer when I get home. And the heat fry. It's been around 95-100 for the past couple weeks!

      But I think the fact that you reply to all your comments, and even visit our blogs, is admirable!


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