15 July, 2017

The End is Near

Again, my good intentions backfired.

I have one good friend who is flying to the Midwest to see us during our upcoming trip. One friend. Just one. 

I feel a little guilty about not being 100% thrilled that she's visiting during almost the entire duration of our stay with my parents, but - Just One Friend! So I've been focused on being THRILLED that she'll be there - she is an awesome friend.

We are less than 3 weeks before the trip, so I thought it would be kind to give her advance notice - since she *is* flying, after all - letting her know we may be delayed in picking her up from the airport, because of lunch with friends from church. I neglected to provide her with the script. In my head, it was like this:

Me: Hi! Just a heads up, but we might be delayed in picking you up, because of lunch after church. Don't forget to bring a book - at least our airport is ranked one of the best!
Her: Okay - thanks! No problem. See you when I see you!

Not knowing the script, she responded with, "Well, I don't want to wait at any airport, no matter how highly ranked."


To be fair, this is a person who expects the best, and always provides the best. Waiting is not her game. My mistake was assuming my previous assertion that we are keeping a very loose and flexible timeline carried any weight.

Also to be fair, I am a TINY BIT stressed, but I've not been sharing the stress on social media. So perhaps my emotional response to her rudeness is disproportionate.

So I am just going to stay off social media. No more heads-ups to anyone. My trip is my trip. Next time we're in the country, I might just not tell anyone!


  1. That's an incredibly obnoxious and selfish response. She always expects the best? She sounds like a brat. Let her know Uber is having some executive level turmoil right now so do her a favor and let her know Lyft is the best right now. UGH. Is it obvious I don't like entitled people? Hopefully once she arrives, things will fall into place and you'll be able to enjoy your time together.

    1. I thought it was selfish too! I had never considered her "entitled" before, because she expects the best, but gets it for herself. I know it will be fun after she arrives, I'm just insane right now.

  2. Um, that's soooo rude. If someone's kind enough to give me a ride, I don't question when they're going to get there. If she can't wait, she can pay for a bus/Uber/taxi, whatever. I'm annoyed for you! But glad you're getting to come back for a visit!

    1. I'm glad I shared this. I feel a bit vindicated! It crossed my mind that maybe I overreacted.

  3. I can only shake my head. There is just so much that doesn't seem right anymore. People are so annoying!!

    1. In the end, she has had to cancel the trip due to family concerns. Knowing her, she would still have come, trying to fulfill friendship obligations, and felt bad about neglecting her family.
      I honestly think this little incident may have freed up her conscience to do the right thing.


I enjoy a good debate. Feel free to shake things up. Tell me I'm wrong. Ask me why I have such a weird opinion. ...or, just laugh and tell how this relates to you and your life.