20 February, 2019

If I Can Just Be Shallow ...

Can I be shallow for a minute? Just for a minute?

As a non-cool, uber-nerd, I am DELIGHTED to be married to "the leader of the pack". Sorry. I am. It's so shallow.

It's stereotypical as all get-out, but I feel no shame. I LOVE that I finally landed the one guy whom everyone would follow to the end of the earth. 

Don't get me wrong. He uses his powers for good and not evil. I am a goody-two-shoes, after all. He's a nerd, too, and swears that anyone in his high-school (reunion pending, hence the retrospective) would not recognize this description of him.

You know how kids and animals have a 6th sense about people? Kids and animals migrate toward Brett. Unilaterally. I call him "The Pied Piper". He is loved. He passes all their subliminal tests. His heart is pure and motives admirable. Or whatever. 

Kids and animals often shy away from me. They know I don't care about them one way or the other. 

When we lived State-side, Brett and his best buds from high school and post-high school started an annual cook out. There was an entertaining conversation where the guy who had moved to Illinois from the East Coast was called out as the "known" bad influence who led this group of guys to make all kinds of trouble in the county. The other parents thought he was trouble.

He denied that he led anything, and referred that honor to Brett. To which everyone assembled agreed. Everyone. After thinking a minute, Brett, too, agreed that yes, he typically was the mastermind behind this group's schemes that landed them in various amounts of trouble during their teen years. He'd never thought of it. It was just who he was.


It's so sick. It's so wrong to have such a thrill, but I do. I am delighted, thrilled, TURNED ON knowing that this man can get people to do his will without really trying. It's an aphrodisiac to me. He doesn't even know his power.

Okay, at the risk of opening a Pandora's Box, are you willing to share your private shallowness? What are you vain about?


  1. At the risk of sounding arrogant, I have come to appreciate this about myself. And, as you stated, I never realized it about myself until a few years ago. I'm the guy that generally takes charge in a group setting without realizing I am doing it.

    It's amazing what growing up can teach you.

    1. Yeah. Don't ask me what it taught me. You're pretty awesome.

  2. Too funny. He's the one who would have claimed that he didn't do anything wrong... Best not to go down that rabbit hole, I imagine.

    1. Oh yeah, "Just having fun!" It's pretty hilarious.

  3. Ha ha, I can definitely see why you would be proud of that. Brett sounds fun. I guess I can be shallow about books. I have several I haven't read for years-or even at all, but I like to show them off on my bookshelves, especially the ones with fancy covers.

    1. Ooh! Yes. Very proud of my library. Very sad to have left it behind when we moved overseas. :-(

  4. Red,

    Fun read and there's no shame being married to a guy who takes even when he doesn't even know it. lol

    1. We were definitely put together for a reason!

  5. Where's the shallowness here? You're praising someone who (based on the little I know) is deservedly a universally beloved guy--and I apologize for the pileup of adverbs there. And you're sharing how lucky you feel to be married to him which is something only a shallow person would begrudge. It's not like you've taken him away from the rest of the world. You may be closest to him but the rest of us can still enjoy having Brett around, and, really, we should all be happy that the two of you have found each other.
    I'm kind of struggling here to figure out my own shallowness and probably just avoiding it which I'm pretty sure speaks to how shallow I really am. Seriously, you could walk over me without getting your feet wet.

    1. I think the "shallowness" is in loving someone for, basically, their popularity. Don't get me wrong, he's smart, an amazing teacher, has the best heart of anyone I know, etc. etc., but this post was purely about loving him for a superficial reason: He's popular.
      But yeah, couched in worthy traits.


I enjoy a good debate. Feel free to shake things up. Tell me I'm wrong. Ask me why I have such a weird opinion. ...or, just laugh and tell how this relates to you and your life.