18 October, 2019

Fiction Friday - Puppy Love (part 1)

Image courtesy of D.B. McNicol

“Hey there, pup!” Judy turned to latch the gate behind her as she addressed the puppy who was standing on the sidewalk near the path up to her door. “Where did you come from, huh?” Adjusting her computer bag to hang behind her, she squatted down and examined the puppy. 

He seemed clean. Ish. Cleanish. Not groomed or anything, but she felt safe to scratch behind his ears as she felt for a collar in the white fur around his scruffy neck. “Hmm… no one seems to claim you.” Judy looked up and down the street. She didn’t know of anyone in her neighborhood with a recently pregnant dog, or kids who might have needed a pet. Whose puppy could this be?

"Too bad I don't know my neighbors very well." A groan of a sigh escaped Judy and she rolled her eyes at herself. She muttered, “Serves me right for being anti-social.” She wasn’t really against people; she waved to the neighbors when she saw them, and she hired a teenager from one street up to mow her yard, but they weren’t exactly a “block-party” crowd. 

One further look up and down the street. No one was out searching for a dog, or calling a doggy-sounding name. “Well, pup, looks like you’re on your own. Kind of like me.” With a quick, vigorous rub of his cute, fuzzy head, she said, “Have a good day!” and turned to walk down the street to the bus stop, pulling out her ear-buds as she walked. 


As Judy left the stocky brick and glass building that was home to Metro Enterprises, Inc., she smiled and lifted her face to feel the warm evening sunshine. This was a great time of year. She was happy for an air-conditioned office, but the contrast of sunshine and heat outside felt good. 

She turned her eyes to the street in front of her, and saw a small motion in the corner of her eye. “Pup!” The small white dog was bounding over from a resting spot in the shade of the marble planter in front of the building. “Did you follow me?” she asked as she squatted down to give him a two-handed, vigorous petting all over his back. “Did you?” His wagging tail and big, eager eyes made her laugh out loud. “You are such a cutie. What am I to do with you?” 

The dog had a clear opinion on what she should do with him, and rolled over, exposing his belly. “D’aww… of course I’ll rub your belly.” She suited the action to her words, scanning the street for anyone missing a puppy. A few passersby looked down at her with a smile, but no one stopped, and she couldn’t discern a single look of searching. “You are too cute to be forgotten. Someone will find you.” The belly-rub over, she leaned back and looked sadly into the big eyes of the small white dog. “I wish I could take you home, but you’re not mine. Bye now.” 

Judy rose and decided to get a latte before taking the bus home. She had some personal stuff to do on her laptop, and it would be easier without the distractions of home. Bypassing the coffee shop favored by her coworkers, she walked an extra half-block to a smaller local shop and set up in a corner after ordering a latte and muffin. 

When they were brought over to her, she looked up from her computer screen to thank the barista, and as she turned back to her work, she saw the dog sitting outside the window, on the sidewalk. A frown crossed her eyes. This puppy was definitely following her. Why?

Every Friday, a new flash fiction story, inspired by reader comments, when possible. Feel free to leave a prompt for future use in the comments below. Today's prompt came from a list provided by Brett Minor of The Transformed Nonconformist.

Come back next week for the conclusion!


  1. The puppy might be cute, but that would get a bit freaky.

    I've got a future prompt for you: Krakatoa.

    1. Wow! Krakatoa... that will require research. I'm pretty sure that's a volcano, but beyond that... Japan? Polynesia? I'll look into it for later!

  2. I've had this happen to me many times, but usually with giraffes or penguins.

  3. My wife says she's never picked any of our dogs. They've picked her. It's true. In some litters there have simply been puppies who attached themselves to her and wouldn't let go.
    So I'm looking forward to seeing what happens with this pup.


I enjoy a good debate. Feel free to shake things up. Tell me I'm wrong. Ask me why I have such a weird opinion. ...or, just laugh and tell how this relates to you and your life.