12 April, 2021

I've Got Nothing #AtoZChallenge I

I've got nothing. That's the story, but it's no fiction.

Today, I've got nothing. No Inspiration, no Ideas. I have several reader prompts that, when I did this 2 years ago, would have launched something. But somehow my muse has abandoned me and no stories are filling my fingertips. 

On the brink of despair, thinking I'd have to abandon this challenge for the first time since I started doing it, I suddenly realized the challenge is to write something for every letter of the alphabet. MY challenge was to do flash fiction, but that was self-imposed. No one is coercing me into writing stories, but if I have no story for I, I still need to post in order to participate.

I. Ideas. Inspiration.

Nope. I've still got nothing. Sorry for letting down those expecting flash fiction. I'll get back into it tomorrow. I hope. Things are just weird right now.


  1. Ah that's a shame, I enjoyed your stories. Hope you are good and well and that the muse may return, but don't feel down about the challenge, it's just a bit of fun.

    1. I don't know what was happening! I was falling behind, and then got lost in an absolutely blank mind. I'm back on track now, working on K.

  2. I completely understand that, don't feel down, turn it around, flash fiction about Jack (now there could be a beanstalk, jack could be a girl, they could be a monster hunter, a fiction writer, reality could be breaking through)...jog, jog, jog...and if it doesn't shake anything loose, no harm, no foul.

    1. Oh, I hope you read my J post that I finally got up today. Jack and Jill.

  3. I know the feeling. Sometimes the creativity just isn't there. Have you ever seen Micro SF/F stories on Twitter? (@MicroSFF) Fiction in a tweet. I don't know if that would help you or make it harder for you. Probably the latter.

    1. I haven't heard of that. Will have to check it out. Thanks!

  4. Can I tell you something ... Whatever you have written, you have fulfilled, in some way, the need to write something with I .. There are so many 'I's in whatever you have written ... Did you notice that?!
    Probably you couldn't come up what what you wanted to.
    That's perfectly okay. You did try. So, don't feel so disheartened.
    I for ISRO

    1. Thank you! I appreciate the support. It took me a while to realize that the fiction is my own imposition on myself.

  5. You came back roaring the next day. It worked.


I enjoy a good debate. Feel free to shake things up. Tell me I'm wrong. Ask me why I have such a weird opinion. ...or, just laugh and tell how this relates to you and your life.