02 June, 2017

The Future Needs to Wait! - FiveMinuteFriday

Just a short Five-Minute Friday post. On these posts, I follow the one-word prompt from Kate at Five Minute Friday.  
If you want to join, click that link. (It's a new link,  if you've tried before.) Every Friday is a new word, and the only rules are:  Write for 5 minutes.  Link your post on hers.  (You have a whole week to get your post up.)

It's pretty cool, and I find a new blog every week.

This week's one-word is "Future". 

Timer starting...

I'm actually trying to stop myself from thinking too much about the future. We're planning a trip back to the States this summer, and my mind keeps drifting into fictional potential conversations that may or may not happen. What if someone from church asks us to speak? We aren't missionaries; I will emphatically say no. What will I say when I pop back into my old office? What if the people I plan this conversation with aren't even there that day? We hope to go out after church with some friends...should we plan it in advance? Not like they've kept in good contact with us. Maybe it would be an imposition...

And so on. I'll have full-fledged conversations going before I stop myself because they may never happen. Why focus on two months from now, when I have two full months of working, and making new connections, and trying to be in-the-moment and flexible because everything changes at the last moment.

Besides, when my brain goes to why the good things I'm thinking of probably won't happen, it gets depressing, and who needs that?

God has given me much. God has given me ample work and play, and life to do now. Here. I need to keep my focus on where I am, and think of the future only within reason. What will I need to pack? I don't need to think about that TODAY, surely!

Timer done.


  1. And so on. I'll have full-fledged conversations going before I stop myself because they may never happen....God has given me much. God has given me ample work and play, and life to do now.<----These two sentences written by you caught my attention. I can totally relate to these actions and feelings. One moment and day at a time. Easier said than done. Cheers to Friday from my desk to your reading space. I have hot tea and honey...hope you have your beverage of choice handy. Your FMF neighbor, Jenn

    1. I have learned that, when I catch myself stuck in my head, latching onto something tangible helps. Walking down the street? I'll start listing every sound I hear. In the shower? I focus on the sensation of water. Like that.

  2. Love this....and if, on your visit to the old office there are no old friends it's because God has sent new ones into your arms.

    And if you are asked to speak, your ministry may not have been in the mission field, but it is there nonetheless. I can vouch for that. Speak...with gratitude, and love.

    The plans are not ours, but their execution is.

    #1 at FMF this week.


    1. I see your point. Thank you!
      I still disagree about speaking at a church, to a captive audience who may or may not be interested, when the church was not instrumental in our placement, and we have no church connections here at all.
      I'm happy to talk with anyone interested, maybe after church, but not during the service.
      Thanks for visiting!

  3. Hi Red, thinking of the future can lay up anxiety in our hearts.
    It is safe to trust God even when the future seems unsure.
    Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the future.
    God Bless

    1. I think the best thing to come out of moving to China has been a strengthening of my faith and a closer relationship with God.
      Thanks for visiting!

  4. Oh, those inner conversations. They can be so deceptive and cause unnecessary worry and anxiety. I enjoyed reading your thoughts. :-)

    1. Yes! Does any conversation go according to the script in your head? No!

  5. I find myself worrying about the future all the time, doing the exact same thing. What would I do in this or that scenario? Or I flip it and find myself obsessing about something that already happened, that I should have done differently. I'm getting a little better about it, but it's so hard to stay in the moment! Good luck!

    1. It is hard! Especially when you think of big things coming up that you want to go perfectly... but at the cost of enjoying today?

  6. Sometimes I find it hard to think about the future. Sometimes it is too hard to think about tomorrow. Hang in there my friend!!

    1. That's very true. Those are the days - for me - that are hardest to get out of bed.

  7. Embrace your husband's fly by the seat of your pants attitude.

    1. I think it's that attitude that left you without clean underwear. No thanks!


I enjoy a good debate. Feel free to shake things up. Tell me I'm wrong. Ask me why I have such a weird opinion. ...or, just laugh and tell how this relates to you and your life.