30 March, 2020


I've been making wild predictions all along. It's in my nature. Now that the whole world is guessing about the nature of our new mutual enemy and how to treat it, I'm going to share a few with you.

1. The US has at least 12 months of this kind of insanity before the end will be in sight. I've said that before.

2. Online learning will remain an educational mainstay. Now that schools are forced into it, I think it will not simply vanish into the ether. It will become a viable alternative for many families.

3. The next world-wide crisis will be a water shortage. Many parts of the world suffer from water shortage, but the US and Europe are fairly well protected from that concept. I suspect that many of you diligent, 20-second hand-washers leave the water running that entire 20 seconds, don't you?

Cut it out! Wet your hands, turn off the water, soap up, scrub for 20 seconds, turn it back on and rinse. Unless you are in a public restroom, of course. 20 seconds of water running down an almost infinite number of drains 20 times a day will take its toll, believe me!

4. Just like after September 11th, world travel will be changed. I've already been through several international terminals where your temperature is checked before you are allowed to progress to the immigration desk. I predict that will be a regular part of all travel in the future. 

That's just a few things I've predicted in the last month. Care to weigh in?


  1. Alas, I'm sure we here in the US will learn nothing from this.

    1. Oh, I think the lesson will be learned, but it might take a while, because so many people are fighting against it now at the beginning. As long as you are doing your part, you really can't worry about everyone else.

      I hope you're doing well!


I enjoy a good debate. Feel free to shake things up. Tell me I'm wrong. Ask me why I have such a weird opinion. ...or, just laugh and tell how this relates to you and your life.