24 May, 2022

Tuesday Tales - Friends in Town!

"Tuesday Tales", as compared to "Fiction Fridays" are just my way to inject a little slice of real life to my blog. 

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I'm so grateful that the world is reopening for travel! Of course, I haven't gone anywhere outside Vietnam yet, but it means people are coming back to our lovely, formerly touristy, town!

This month, in addition to opening a new business and all the pains that go along with it, we have relief in the form of good friends who have returned to our little town!

Three years ago, we met this pair of Aussies when we were sitting at a table in the front of one of our favorite hang-outs. Brett being Brett, he saw them looking at the menu and encouraged them to come in. They took a table near us and we all started talking and a friendship was born. We started meeting weekly for pizza and beer at a local, Aussie-run, sports bar, and getting together other times as it worked out.

They became our besties for three months. 

We've walked and danced in the rain together.

We've laughed and cried together.

We've gotten drunk together. (Actually, we drink a lot more when we're with them. I've taken to icing my beer just to reduce the alcohol content of lunch!)

We've eaten questionable oysters together.

Do you have friends who you can just be yourself with? No topic is taboo? No offense is ever taken over differing opinions? It's an amazing thing.

Tomorrow we're heading to the beach, and one night this week we're going to do one of the cute, tourist-trap, boat rides on the lantern-lit river. 

We love these guys. We'll miss them when they have to leave, but the good news is, Vietnam is open! They can always come back!


  1. I am so happy they are back in town.

    1. It's very different this time... I feel like we need to get together for pizza more.

  2. How nice. It's great to have friends that you can just hang with like that. I hope they get to stay for a while.

    1. I'm not a very social person, but it's easy with these guys.

  3. I'm introverted and don't make friends easily. But sometimes, something just clicks - and those friends are some of the best. Great that this happened to you. And no, I don't have that kind of friend anymore, the one where you can just open yourself up and not play a role.

    1. I'm introverted too. Being social tends to exhaust me. That's what makes this friendship unique!
      And I think it's harder, as we grow up, to find people we don't have to play a role with. Maybe that's just me.


I enjoy a good debate. Feel free to shake things up. Tell me I'm wrong. Ask me why I have such a weird opinion. ...or, just laugh and tell how this relates to you and your life.