01 November, 2022

Tuesday Truth - Nanowrimo

Today's truth is that it's the first day of November, aka the first day of National Novel Writing Month. This month I will be writing a total of 50,000 words of a new novel.

That may mean even less posting here. We shall see.

For today, I got 2,055 words! In a 30 day month, 50k would mean about 1,667 each day, but I have set my personal goal at 2,000. I did this because I know there will be days that the words just aren't coming. Days of writers block, or days when my schedule explodes around me and barely have time to write a sentence. If I'm pushing for at least 2k, then when I'm a little below that it will be okay.

So I'm off and running on a new book for this month. And I'll be around here when I can.

Are you doing Nanowrimo? Have you done it before? How do you hope to achieve your goal?


  1. I heard of a method of NaNo where you budget for way more words at the beginning of the month and then taper off your goals as the month progresses. It's good to start off strong with high numbers of words planned.

    I don't do NaNo. It's not how my brain works. But I wish all who partake good luck.

    1. It's good to plan for it, because that's the way it will go anyway. Everyone reaches a point of exhaustion in the middle. If you've planned for it, you can come back from it more easily. I think. I guess. Maybe I just made that up.

  2. Wow! Good .. I hope your thoughts flow ceaselessly, and your novel achieves a perfect fruition. Wish you the very best!
    I have heard of NaNo, and similar initiatives.
    Since my work itself involves a lot of reading, writing, and editing every day, I haven't got the time or mind space to even more writing. That's one reason for my irregular blog posts too.
    In a little over two years, I will retire, and probably I will have time to attempt it.

    1. Wow. Yeah, if my paid job was all about writing, I probably wouldn't do it, either.
      ...In fact, my first year doing Nanowrimo was after we moved here and I was not working at all for the first few months.


I enjoy a good debate. Feel free to shake things up. Tell me I'm wrong. Ask me why I have such a weird opinion. ...or, just laugh and tell how this relates to you and your life.