18 April, 2022

Observant - #AtoZChallenge

A moment of life:

Me *poking my head into Brett's office*: Hey, did the orange kitchen shears get back here?

Brett: No, why, are they missing?

Me: They're nowhere!

(Believe me, I searched before asking. I am the one who finds things. More than once, he has asked me to put something on the grocery list because we are "out", only for me to find the item behind something in the fridge. Really, just move one item and there it is. We laugh.)

Brett [calling out as I walk down the hall from his office]: Is it in the pizza box?

Me: What pizza box?

I looked around... no pizza box, not on the kitchen table or out on the porch waiting for the trash to go out. I didn't remember there being a pizza. Then...

Brett *coming into the kitchen and going straight to the fridge*:...

Me: Oh! That's right!

I had completely forgotten about my urge to order a cheese pizza for us to split as a snack the night before. Unusual behavior, unusual night. When a pizza arrives, I use a paring knife to separate the re-melting cheese between the slices; he uses the kitchen shears. 

It's (probably not) the first time he's been the observant one who finds something. Also, I hadn't had my coffee yet, so maybe that's why I didn't even open the fridge, let alone move things around.

He had left them in the pizza box... but I was the one to close the box and put it in the fridge when we realized we weren't going to finish it. So who "left" them in the box? 


  1. I used to wear glasses before i got my LASIK done... i used to wear my glasses , forget about it and start searching again while wearing them ... forgetting the fact that i am able to see clearly :)

    Jayashree writes

    1. Oh, don't get me started on actual vision issues! I have both contacts and glasses, but usually wear glasses for ease. I save the contacts for days at the beach or longer rides on the motorbike - so that I can wear sunglasses.

  2. Lol. I am just like u . I keep things I forget...i do things I forget..feels like old age is getting to me early. My mom is usually storming towards me showing what i cant find which is just in my vicinity

    Dropping by from a to z "The Pensive"

    1. I'm usually pretty good at back-tracking, but this time ... they were gone!

  3. That's totally a keys-in-the-fridge moment. Sometimes things just don't go according to the usual, and that's how things get lost. At least you found them.

    1. Exactly! If you followed the usual routine, it's not lost!

  4. It happens all the time! It's usually the pair of scissors. It can never be found!
    O = Oxford comma

  5. I can definitely relate to this one. It seems to get worse as we get older. But truth be told, I'm usually the go - to person for finding the "lost" items in this house. And for some related reason, we now have at least 4 or 5 canisters of baking cocoa right now . . .

    1. LOL! We went through that with ketchup when we first got married!

  6. It's always fun when we don't see the fish cake in the back of the fridge slowly turning green.

    1. Oh yes. And I just found today that we still have some of the smoked gouda!


I enjoy a good debate. Feel free to shake things up. Tell me I'm wrong. Ask me why I have such a weird opinion. ...or, just laugh and tell how this relates to you and your life.