18 April, 2020

People #AtoZChallenge

People are driving me crazy.

Which is weird, considering I am at home all the time now!

Nevertheless, I felt my heart racing dangerously as I read an absolutely INSANE conspiracy theory posted on the facebook wall of a friend from high school whom I know to be a sweet, intelligent, rational person. (I have no truck with conspiracy theorists.)

I have inherited my father's heart problems. I can't be reading inflammatory stuff that will give me a heart attack before I get out of bed in the morning! I know, why blame People? It's my own fault for opening facebook, especially before coffee. And that's the point.

I locked myself out of facebook for a few weeks recently, purely because of the People who live there. I don't mean the version of those People that I know in real life. IRL, People are generally pleasant! But, to paraphrase Shakespeare, "Facebook doth make fools of us all." It has taken a lot of strength of will for me to stop myself from responding to inflammatory posts in the past, but I have managed it.

This time, I could not refrain from responding. I love this girl. She was like a sister to me in high school. I had to tell her how sad it made me to read those opinions - which I believe were reposted from some other twit - on her wall. That's all.

Today may be the day of a purge. Time to block all the People who are proving to be a problem to my health and well-being. I might just unfollow the People who are simply sharing stupidity in their panic-induced insanity.

More often than not, I wish for solitude more than anything. People have not typically been a primary joy in my life. Why do I collect them on social media? 

I truly think I'd do well on a desert island. Who's with me?


  1. I'm with you. People are frantic about not working, I enjoy every day that I'm home. If I could retire and survive financially, I would.

    I don't unfriend anyone who annoys me on Facebook, I just hide their posts. They still think we're friends, I don't have to read their insanity. I've hidden a number of people, people that posts a million times a day of the same stuff over and over, people who post political ALL THE TIME and even people who post negative stuff about the teams I like. It makes my time on Facebook much more happy. I don't need all that crap bringing me down. I might get the "hey, did you see what I posted on FB?" "Nah man, I must have missed that." No one is the wiser because of the FB does their feeds. I always advise everyone to do that who complain about Facebook.

    1. Yes. I said "block", but I meant unfollow/unfriend. I have numerous "unfollow"s already, usually for posting too much political stuff. In the end, after writing this, I ended up culling about 40 accounts from my friend list, though. Some were inactive, some who I haven't heard from in a long time, and I don't really know or care about.

  2. Me! Oh yes please, a desert island! I know it's a special time, a never seen situation, but people do not need to react like this. On my Facebook wall too I have people posting what they suppose to be informations, but it's just non sense. It drives me crazy...

    1. I know the opinions are always there, but this situation is becoming divisive. And of course... Everybody is right.

  3. One has to have good control of what one choose to see and read on Facebook, or for that matter on any social media.
    Information can be wrong, and opinions can be totally weird as much as to freak us out.

    1. And the thing is, talking to people face-to-face usually eliminates the insanity. People know not to speak it out loud.

  4. I believe I have 40-something FB friends. And the majority of them are muted. I primarily look to see what my SIL is up to (she lives on there), and through her my niece and nephews. But mostly, I follow Entertainment Weekly and Slate. So, I mostly see articles.

    I still don't *get* FB. It's probably better that way.

    1. You are definitely better off. I used to keep my friend list below 200, diligently. Then I got married, and the list grew. And even though most of my immediate family isn't highly active on facebook, it is one easy way to see what they are doing. Plus, Messenger.


I enjoy a good debate. Feel free to shake things up. Tell me I'm wrong. Ask me why I have such a weird opinion. ...or, just laugh and tell how this relates to you and your life.