27 April, 2020

Who are We? #AtoZChallenge

I shared this meme in my R post on resolutions:

It got me thinking, what are my priorities now? What does matter? How am I acting on that? Who, really, am I? I have reinvented myself several times, but what is at the core of Who I am? 

Can you answer that question about yourself? Who are you?

I can give you list of roles I play: wife, daughter, sister, employer, employee... I've had many roles. But that's not Who I am, that's what I am. 

I've saved several different soul-searching info-graphics to my pinterest board, chock-full of introspective questions - useful and not-so-useful - like:
  • What do my dreams tell me?
  • What is my proudest accomplishment?
  • What does my ideal day look like?
Like I said, some useful questions, some not very. 

Who am I? I am confused. I have strengths and weaknesses. I am not a job, by any means. I couldn't even tell you what I "really want" out of life, because the parameters - not of what's feasible, but even of what appears desirable - changes constantly.

Who am I? I'm a person. That's kind of it. Everything else is just an appearance of a type.

Who are you? Am I alone in feeling a bit like a blank slate of a person? I mean, at the core, ignoring the roles and personas we take on, Who, really, are we?


  1. This is also a time for introspection. To reset priorities.

    1. Eactly. What better time? So many outside stimuli are reduced!

  2. A great time for this kind of existential questions. Maybe it takes years of analysis to really know yourself?
    W is for Women

    1. Very likely. Especially as we continue to grow and change.

  3. What is the meaning of life? Why are we here? What is our purpose? Who am I? Yeah, the deep questions. Answering one helps set the parameters for where you want the others to go, but... Yeah, these are hard.

    1. Almost hard enough to answer one and call it a day.


I enjoy a good debate. Feel free to shake things up. Tell me I'm wrong. Ask me why I have such a weird opinion. ...or, just laugh and tell how this relates to you and your life.